Cellular Glass in High Performance Roofs: Reducing Risk By Design

Course Description: High-performing commercial roofs must be resilient and designed to perform over the long run, without compromising on the client's commitment to sustainability. Cellular glass insulation delivers a portfolio of performance attributes including impermeability, non-combustibility, long-term thermal performance, compressive strength, and resilience throughout the assembly. This course will spotlight real-world roof assemblies that leverage cellular glass insulation to achieve performance without compromise.

Internal Course Code: OCCG_05

Duration: 1.00 hour(s)

Point of Contact Name: Drew Clausen

Point of Contact Email: Drew.Clausen@owenscorning.com

Architectural Support - Commercial Insulation

Susan Raneri
Northeast U.S.
Drew Clausen
Central / Southeast U.S.
Saboura Rokhsari
West U.S.