Cellular Glass in High Performance Roofs: Reducing Risk By Design

Course Description: High-performing commercial roofs must be resilient and designed to perform over the long run, without compromising on the client's commitment to sustainability. Cellular glass insulation delivers a portfolio of performance attributes including impermeability, non-combustibility, long-term thermal performance, compressive strength, and resilience throughout the assembly. This course will spotlight real-world roof assemblies that leverage cellular glass insulation to achieve performance without compromise.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the composition of cellular glass insulation and identify its intrinsic value in building applications.
2. Learn how to design and specify roof assemblies to reduce risk of energy loss, moisture ingress, and other modes of roof failure.
3. Identify the value of cellular glass insulation in sustainable construction by examining lifecycle costs, service life and recyclability.
4. Select roof assemblies that meet fire and structural integrity requirements for the building application.

Delivery: Live

Internal Course Code: CGIR_0723

Duration: 1h

HSW Compatible: Yes

Point of Contact Name: Drew Clausen

Point of Contact Email: Drew.Clausen@owenscorning.com

Accredited Associations

Architectural Support - Commercial Insulation

Susan Raneri
Northeast U.S.
Drew Clausen
Central / Southeast U.S.
Saboura Rokhsari
West U.S.